
No Surprises

Inpatient & Outpatient Charges

这里提供的信息是医院提供的每项住院和门诊服务或项目的综合收费清单, also known as a chargemaster. 它是患者比较医院或估计医疗保健服务费用的工具.

大多数病人更感兴趣的是他们的服务到底要花多少钱, after their insurance has considered the charges, and applied the benefits in their
insurance policy.

Estimate Your Cost of Care

Transparency about the cost of health care is important. 您可以在这里找到一些资源来帮助理解和比较护理成本, as well as our Price Estimator.

Machine Readable Price Transparency Data

As required by federal guidelines, this link 导致机器可读的文件,其中包含医院收费和第三方付款人协商费率的综合列表. This file was last updated June 30, 2024. 

Chargemaster FAQ

收费清单是医院提供的每项住院和门诊服务或项目的综合收费清单, exam, surgical procedure, room charge, etc. Given the many services provided by hospitals 24 hours a day, seven days a week, a chargemaster contains thousands of services and related charges.

“收费大师”的金额几乎从未向病人开过账单,也从未作为医院的付款收到过. The chargemaster amounts are billed to an insurance company, Medicare, or Medicaid, 然后,这些保险公司将其合同费率应用于收费服务. In situations where a patient does not have insurance, 我们医院有财政援助政策,对收费金额有折扣. 有关我们的财政援助政策的更多信息,请致电419-294-4991

The list of charges is the same for all patients. However, 由于种种原因,每个病人的总收费常常因病人而异, including:
• What kinds of medication you require
• Whether you experience complications and need additional treatment
• Other health conditions you may have that may affect your care


收费清单上列出的费用通常不是病人需要支付的金额. If you have health insurance, 你需要支付的费用取决于你的具体健康保险范围以及你的保险公司与医院签订的合同.

If you do not have health insurance, 根据医院的财政援助政策,你可能有资格获得费用减免, or you may be eligible for Medicaid coverage. For more information, please call 419-294-4991

医院的收费标准不包括在你住院期间为你治疗的医生(或医生)所提供的服务的收费. 你可能会收到来自医院和参与你治疗的医生的单独账单.

Here is a partial list of health care providers who may bill you separately:
• The physicians who see you in the hospital
• The surgeon who performs your procedure
• The Emergency Room doctor who treats you in the Emergency Room
• The anesthesiologist who works with the surgeon
• The radiologist who reads your x-rays or other imaging
• The pathologists who evaluate pathology specimens

If you would like more information about the chargemaster, what your care will cost you or the hospitals’ financial assistance policy, please contact 419-294-4991.

请咨询您的保险公司以了解您的保险范围, which charges will be covered, how much you will be billed, information on deductibles and your expected out-of-pocket responsibility.

Avoiding Surprise Bills Guide

下载这个信息丰富的指南,它将帮助你了解你应该问的问题,以避免收到意外的医疗账单. 指南中的许多建议都是为您可以提前安排护理的情况而设计的. 该指南还将帮助您了解如何在紧急情况下减少意外余额账单的可能性.

Download This Helpful Guide